
Showing posts from 2017

Toothless Teachers - Tough Students

My Article Write - up in The Millennium Post Newspaper (Delhi Edition) - 23 December 2017, Page 9 Toothless Teachers - Tough Students Parents and Teachers have remained the epitome of human respect and dignity since time immemorial. No matter whether a child is honourable or a rogue, he remains in his dignified best in front of them. Mother has always been the pivotal force and an emotional epicentre for any human being.  The Hindi oldies have depicted this serene emotion beautifully hundreds of times. The famous dialogue “ Mere Paas Maa Hai ” of the bollywood blockbuster Deewar became the symbol of India’s rich culture. Maestro A. R. Rahman in his Oscars’ speech quoted the same portraying India’s ethnic richness. The news-items surfacing of late is showing that the times have changed since then, recent news of a sixteen year old murdering his mother and sister with his cricket bat, pizza cutter and scissors came like a nightmare and the first thought to hit was, “Is ...

Psychometric Test for School Teachers - A feature in The Progressive Teacher Magazine Nov\Dec 2017

Psychometric Test for School Teachers Teaching has been considered as the most noble profession on the planet. Teaching school children is the noblest of them all. Aristotle once said, “Those who teach children are more to be honoured than those who produce them.” But of late, this profession is under immense scrutiny after the tragic incident of a murder of a seven year old in a reputed school of Gurugram. For weeks, one could find headlines derogating private schools as ‘ Yumraj’ and ‘ Hatyare’ . Almost all the private schools are painted with the same brush and are being labelled as profit mongers with no quality checks for child security. After this sad incident, it seems as if every authority has waken-up from hibernation and there has been a mad rush of issuing circulars, notifications, guidelines and checklists for the schools, teachers and support staff. To name a few there came ‘Guidelines for Safety of Children in Schools’ from Gurgaon Police, Notifica...

बच्चे तो हैं पर बचपना नहीं - बाल दिवस विशेषांक

                  बच्चे तो हैं पर बचपना नहीं हर भारतवासी मंगलवार को देशभर में बाल दिवस मनाएगा, तब यह विचार मन में ज़रूर उठेगा की आखिरकार ये बच्चे हैं किसके? सिर्फ माँ-बाप के, अध्यापकों के, समाज के या फिर पूरे भारतवर्ष के? भारत के प्रथम प्रधानमंत्री पंडित नेहरु का जन्मदिन देश भर में बाल-दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है | 1964 से इस दिन को बड़े पैमाने पर मानाने का चलन शुरू हुआ | यह नेहरु जी का बालप्रेम ही था जिसने उन्हें प्रधानमंत्री की बेड़ियों को तोड़ते हुए बच्चों का चाचा नेहरु बना दिया | नेहरु जी हमेशा कहते थे कि बच्चे भारत का स्वर्णिम भविष्य हैं | वे युवा वर्ग को हमेशा प्रगति के मार्ग पर अग्रसर होते हुए देखना चाहते थे, जिसके लिए उन्होंने एम्स, आई.आई.टी एवं आई.आई.ऍम जैसे उत्कृष्ट संस्थानों की आधारशिला रखी | परन्तु हाल ही में हुई रयान इंटरनेशनल स्कूल गुरुग्राम की घटना ने पूरे हिन्दुस्तान को झंकझोर कर रख दिया है | यह सोच पाना भी मुश्किल है की एक ग्यारहवी का छात्र सिर्फ परीक्षा टालने के लिए सात साल के एक मासूम का क़त्ल कर देगा | यह कोई एकल...

Share the Accountability in Education: UNESCO GEM Report - Article in Millennium Post Newspaper - 02-November-2017

Share the Accountability in Education: UNESCO GEM Report UNESCO released its latest Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report 2017 on Tuesday 24 October 2017. The thematic title of this year’s report is Accountability in Education: Meeting our commitments . The report is an eye-opener for every individual living on the planet. Its purview is much larger than mere statistics for the citizens of our country. The report highlights the major challenges India faces in achieving global education goals. Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO mentioned in the report that, there are 264 million children and youth not going to school – this is a failure that we must tackle together, because education is a shared responsibility and progress can only be sustainable through common efforts. This is essential to meet the ambitions of Sustainable Development Goals on Education (SDG 4), a part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Sustainable Education Goals are spearheaded by T...

भगवान राम के जीवन से सीख लें विद्यार्थी


My Article Write-up in Dainik Jagran Sanskarshala


Psychometric Test for School Teachers

Psychometric Test for School Teachers Teaching has been considered as the most noble profession on the planet. Teaching school children is the noblest of them all. Aristotle once said, “Those who teach children are more to be honoured than those who produce them.” But of late, this profession is under immense scrutiny after the tragic incident of a murder of a seven year old in a reputed school of Gurugram. For weeks, one could find headlines derogating private schools as ‘ Yumraj’ and ‘ Hatyare’ . Almost all the private schools are painted with the same brush and are being labelled as profit mongers with no quality checks for child security. After this sad incident, it seems as if every authority has waken-up from hibernation and there has been a mad rush of issuing circulars, notifications, guidelines and checklists for the schools, teachers and support staff. To name a few there came ‘Guidelines for Safety of Children in Schools’ from Gurgaon Police, Notifications from...

My Article In The Millennium Post Newspaper on the Pathos of the Education System of India

CBSE Examination Reforms: Returning to the Stone Age The history of modern education of India dated back to 1835, with Lord Macaulay being the golden calf.  His idea was to form a class of Indians who may be interpreters between British and the millions whom they ruled. He wanted a class of persons, Indian in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect. In reality, he wanted to create an array of Indians who could be perpetual servants to them or clerks at the best. The examination reforms in India dated back to 1882 with Hunter Commission reporting on problems of secondary education and Sadler Commission reviewed the entire field from school education to university education. Further, Hartog Commission of 1929 “devoted far more attention to mass education than Secondary and University Education. This commission in its report said that “out of every 100 pupils (boys and girls) who ...

My Article Write-up in 'Mahra Desh Mahri Maati' Magazine


My article Write-up in 'The Progressive Teacher' Magazine - September-October 2017 Issue


My Grandfather - A Tribute
