(Un)Happy Teachers’ Day

(Un)Happy Teachers’ Day Had Dr. Radhakrishnan been alive, he would not have celebrated his birthday today. He’d have been aghast seeing the plight of teachers. Wishing all the teachers of the country a ‘ Not so happy teachers’ day ’. The pious occupation of being a teacher is witnessing its record low. Of late, it is the teachers who are at the receiving end. The recent incident of a woman school teacher being beheaded by a class tenth student in Jharkhand came as a shocker to the entire teaching community. He not only beheaded the teacher but ran around the village with chopped head in his hand for hours together. It is the most heinous crime ever done to malign the sanctity of the pious institution of teaching learning. From last some months teaching institutions particularly schools have been in news for all the wrong reasons. A teacher is subjected to everything from abuses to stabbing to taking bullet shots of his pupils. Despite being the most vulnerable and v...