My Article In The Millennium Post Newspaper on the Pathos of the Education System of India

CBSE Examination Reforms: Returning to the Stone Age The history of modern education of India dated back to 1835, with Lord Macaulay being the golden calf. His idea was to form a class of Indians who may be interpreters between British and the millions whom they ruled. He wanted a class of persons, Indian in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect. In reality, he wanted to create an array of Indians who could be perpetual servants to them or clerks at the best. The examination reforms in India dated back to 1882 with Hunter Commission reporting on problems of secondary education and Sadler Commission reviewed the entire field from school education to university education. Further, Hartog Commission of 1929 “devoted far more attention to mass education than Secondary and University Education. This commission in its report said that “out of every 100 pupils (boys and girls) who ...