Avatar-A movie by the God

Avatar-A Hollywood production and directed by non other than James Cameron- the GOD of film making industry. This movie is made for every genre and anyone can enjoy the 2154AD experience.

Alike anyone it makes me think how the writer can write such a story? What is his level of imagination? What is his level of intelligence? How can he visualize the faces of his characters? How he'll be able to create the world which is not known, to such the level of perfections? How he gets feeling of making less-humans the super-humans?

The answer to all my questions is the word GOD. When we heard of something unusual or beyond our ways, we say it is the creation of God. Similarly this movie is beyond our ways and is created by the GOD himself. It is created by 'THE JAMES CAMERON'. He is the God of film making.

It is not about the characters and technology. It is about the vision. It is about the limitless boundaries of our imagination. This is an epic which makes us see the future. The saga of 2154.

The director planned to create photo-realistic computer-generated characters by using motion-capture animation technology. Cameron's new virtual camera allows him to observe directly on a monitor how the actors' virtual counterparts interact with the movie's digital world in real time and adjust and direct the scenes just as if shooting live action; "It’s like a big, powerful game engine".

"If I want to fly through space, or change my perspective, I can. I can turn the whole scene into a living miniature and go through it on a 50 to 1 scale."; said the director. The future of weapon is AMP (Amplified Mobility Platform) suit.

Other technological innovations include "The Volume", a motion-capture stage six times larger than any previously used, and an improved method of capturing facial expressions, enabling full performance capture. To achieve the latter, actors wore individually made skull caps with a tiny camera attached, located in front of the actors' faces, which collects information about their facial expressions and eyes, which is then transmitted to the computers. According to Cameron, the method allows the filmmakers to transfer about 95% of the actors' performances to their digital counterparts. Besides a real-time virtual world, the team also experimented with a way of allowing the computer-generated characters to interact with real actors on a real, live-action set while shooting live action.

The movie depicts the very basic characteristics of humans. Its the greed and the love. And the third aspect is technology. It shows the human intelligence.

In the end its the victory of mother nature over human greed. Its the victory of love over war.

A salute to the GOD to teach the very basics but in an epic size movie.


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