Teacher: A 15-minute refresher
Teacher: A 15-minute refresher - Jagdeep S. More, Educationist Teaching has been considered a noble profession since time immemorable. Of late, the incidents of Muzaffarnagar, Kathua and Kota have done enough wrong to malign this noble profession and have stirred the hornets’ nest forcing teachers to revisit the preambles of teaching-learning. Forcing classmates to beat a child for not learning homework lessons, beating a child for writing a religious slogan on a blackboard and pressurising children to the extent of committing suicide are the greatest sins happening to this pious institution of implanting education. It’s high time teachers should unlearn their age-old definition of being a teacher where they can do anything left, right and centre with a child and relearn the new modern definition of being a teacher where she/he is a facilitator cum counsellor and is responsible for the overall development of a child no...