Psychometric Test for School Teachers - A feature in The Progressive Teacher Magazine Nov\Dec 2017

Psychometric Test for School Teachers Teaching has been considered as the most noble profession on the planet. Teaching school children is the noblest of them all. Aristotle once said, “Those who teach children are more to be honoured than those who produce them.” But of late, this profession is under immense scrutiny after the tragic incident of a murder of a seven year old in a reputed school of Gurugram. For weeks, one could find headlines derogating private schools as ‘ Yumraj’ and ‘ Hatyare’ . Almost all the private schools are painted with the same brush and are being labelled as profit mongers with no quality checks for child security. After this sad incident, it seems as if every authority has waken-up from hibernation and there has been a mad rush of issuing circulars, notifications, guidelines and checklists for the schools, teachers and support staff. To name a few there came ‘Guidelines for Safety of Children in Schools’ from Gurgaon Police, Notifica...