Such a Polarised Nation India – with more than 1.3 billion people constitutes 18 percentage of the world’s population, is a country so diverse that many historians and philosophers have called it a continent in itself. The diversity could be seen in terms of geography, population, beliefs, languages, culture, religious practices, traditions etc. making the list endless. This diversity which was considered as our strongest binding factor is turning up as our strongest dividing factor. Of late, the country is undergoing a strong churning creating polarity within. It is almost impossible to unite such a gargantuan population on any man made postulate or belief such a nationalism. Even ‘God’ has found his various avatars on this land but failed to unite people on single paradigm. With such a diverse country such as ours, the textbook concept of ‘unity in diversity’ seems to be restricted and flawed only to be found in bits and pieces. We are divided on the lines of religion, caste, g...