Autonomy in school education

Autonomy in School Education The beauty of our country is its diversity. As the famous anecdote says,”kos kos pe paani badle, das kos pe bhasha”, which means, with every mile travelled, the taste of water changes and language changes every ten miles. This uniqueness of our country makes it colorful and vibrant. There cannot be a particular fixed formula to bind this oldest civilization in one thread. Its freedom makes it remarkable and extraordinary. The makers of our constitution knew this fact and that is why they had placed ‘education’ under the concurrent list. However, the politicians after them tried their best to fiddle both with the constitution and the education system of India. The entire pedagogical system of our country is at fault. Today, our prime focus is on teaching and maintaining the purity of languages, while the beauty of a language is in its flexibility. In the formative years of education, the school’s empha...